How To Order
Placing your order is simple 4 steps process
- Add item to cart
- Check your order information .
- Write down Shipping details.
- Complete your order
Step 1
- Add to cart all items you want to purchase.
when you add item into the cart, you'll see confirmation notification that the item has been added into the cart.

Step 2
- Click on the cart after you add all the items into the cart

Step 3
- Check all the items with sizes and specifications you have added .

- 1: write down any note you want as a reminder for your Order.
- 2: Add or minus quantities of the products
- 3: Go to next stage for order completion
- 4:if you want to remove any item.
Step 4
- Fill out the information mandatory to deliver your order, be careful to provide correct information for safe package delivery .
- Enter email or contact to receive notification about your order, i.e ( Order Ready to deliver, Order Dispatched Status, Order reached to your destination) (we Recommend contact number)
- click ship if you cannot pick it by yourself from our warehouse location.
- Check Pick up if you can pick it up from the given location , You do not need to pay delivery charges if you pick it by yourself.
- if you want to ship your parcel fill the form with basic details.
- Click Continue to Shipping
Step 5
Recheck your given information, items added and price, if you want to change any information you can go back otherwise continue to pay
Step 6
- Note that it will be cash on delivery , if you have not paid in advance
- if you want to ship order to any other location and billing to other location you can add different billing location or click on same as shipping address.
- Complete you order